Vision - Personal

Scripture Reading - Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

In our previous lesson we taught on “Vision”. We looked at the all-encompassing Will of God being revealed as “The Vision of God” because that is what God sees. We mentioned that men, women and children should seek to understand “God’s Vision” in their heart because a good portion of “God’s Vision” includes all mankind. There are some specific assignments for each person and there are some general assignments for all mankind as a whole. The key is knowing your place in “God’s Vision” because seeing what God sees is only half the battle for we must also do as God does to complete the God ordained assignment. Today’s lesson will discuss each person writing their own “Personal Vision” with God’s help (aid, counsel and encouragement). Yes, to everything there is a purpose and a time to perform that purpose exists upon the earth. Therefore, between your spouse and The Lord you must agree upon the specific timing in your life that you will get the appointed “vision” started and, if known, completed upon the earth. We purposely stated spouse because we (ihlcc) believe your spouse should be involved with the key elements (components) of your “vision” primarily because in marriage the two are made one. We don’t think it is right to create a “personal vision” while you are married that ignores an existing marriage in the wording. Yes, the “vision” of ihlcc includes the functions of the marriage because we believe marriage to be an eternal bond between the husband, the wife and their God, which is our Father God with His Son Jesus Christ. For this reason and many others we believe each and every person ought to have a “vision” for their life that they are open to share with anyone who asks. We are proclaiming not just a mental “vision” of what they want to do in life but also include written statements (a written vision) that anyone could read and run with it if necessary. This might seem like we are requesting for everyone to make out a will but that is not what we are asking. Remember a will specifies what to do with your assets after you leave this earth. Whereas writing a “vision” clarifies what you plan to do while you are living upon this earth. The major reason we think this is a good idea is because invariably someone in your life will ask you what are you planning on doing with your life?” This question must be addressed and the sooner the better. It is not permissible to just ignore the question all together no matter who asks. If you are father or mother and someone has proposed to your only daughter wouldn’t you certainly want to know the person’s intentions and wouldn’t a “written vision” go a long way in answering their parents questions and removing some of their concerns? Yes, writing your “vision” will help you stay focus and it shall also give hope to anyone who might be a part of your future. Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that every “vision” must be extravagant because that is not true. No, one just needs to summarize their basic thoughts about where they should be at in the foreseeable future. Some will say goals while others will use the words career planning, either one it’s all “vision” to us. Remember “Vision” in it’s general form helps people see just who you are and where you are going, so don’t look at it as a major assignment that has to be perfect. We (ihlcc) realize that “vision” is operating on future actions so there is no way that everything will perfectly align with every thought that came into your mind 3 to 5 years prior when you were writing the “vision” out. No, our Faith Friend, write your “vision” to reflect some idle time to allow some contingency for key items in the future that are uncertain today. Your “vision” could be very simple and very general which would probably be fine with The Lord Jesus because then He has some room to work with you because you will grow and develop as the years pass you by. All those people who make their “vision” too detailed and tight will have problems adjusting when The Lord Jesus desires to make changes. Oh yes, if you are a born-again child of God there is a very high probability that God will change “your vision” where necessary to more accurately line up with His Will for your life. This means you must include a review period for God to examine “your Vision” (Yes, your will). The Father God and Jesus are fully aware of everything you have written in “your vision” but He still would like your permission first to comment or correct. We must remember that God is the ultimate gentlemen so He chooses to work with you instead of working separately (isolated) from you. So in summary, please study God’s Word first and ask the Lord for help with writing your “personal vision” because including God up front is way better than Him making numerous changes on the back end. We (ihlcc) have even seen “our vision” change over several years but that is OK just as long as we keep our “personal vision” towards God’s Global Vision of saving souls all over this earth and blessing people all over this world in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Remember each “vision” is for an appointed time so be sure to identify the timing of “your vision” to help others understand. We know some could say, “I don’t know the future, so how can I know the timing of certain events?” We would respond that might be true because you might not know the timing of certain events but you have God working with you so He can help you with the proper timing because He does know all future events. Remember, the Holy Spirit was sent to help us and a part of that help is showing us things to come according to John 16:13. So know the timing with God’s help and realize if the event is too far out maybe it is not the right time for you to share “your vision” if it is truly God inspired it can sit still until the timing to release it is right. Amen!